"If you swim here lightning will strike you in a very painful place"?
Suggestions please.
[Barcelona - 25 February 2007]
Maybe it is just my strange sense of humour but I do enjoy finding signs that are just a little 'odd'. I hope you will get a grin or two from these as well. Due to popular demand, I have set up an email for contributions. Pictures emailed to address in sidebar may or may not make it on to the blog. (Let's keep it family oriented.)
"Caution, electrocution risk, stay away." (risk from the fountain pump, lights in the fountain, etc.)
The stock index might crash right into your u-know-what ?
Caution: Electric Boogie Dance Party Ahead
NO Beach Blanket Swimming Moves allowed
"Forget about swimming, let's go punnished with some electro-shokcs!"
Alba, a girl from Barcelona living in London...
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