[Feb 2006 - Hertfordshire]

David Williams found this one that a heavy plant had obviously crossed, causing significant damage!
Maybe it is just my strange sense of humour but I do enjoy finding signs that are just a little 'odd'. I hope you will get a grin or two from these as well. Due to popular demand, I have set up an email for contributions. Pictures emailed to address in sidebar may or may not make it on to the blog. (Let's keep it family oriented.)
I always expect to see a triffid shambling across the road...
Can anyone say, "Day of the Triffids" ????
I agree, I would rather imagine a large eggplant perhaps?
ps love your blog site.
Yes but a large and heavy cabbage tramping its bulky self across the road is ten times the fun imagery that "machinery" would evoke.
Ents around? :)
Yes, you're right. According to the sign I'd be on the lookout for a humongous eggplant or pumpkin.
Very witty blog theme by the way! I'll be visiting often.
That one gave me a chuckle. :D Fun blog. I might have a few signs to contribute...
The Splintered Mind - Overcoming Neurological Disabilities With Lots Of Humor And Attitude
XD I also imagined that!!
Hmm, in the southern U.S., we would suspect Kudzu was approaching.
Yeah I think people like to complicate things lol. I also imagine a cabbage sprouting legs to cross the road. lol.
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That's called semiopathy - deriving a meaning from a sign for which it was not originally intended:
I could see a herd of eggplant. I try to visit one new site a day and I found yours. Great site! I'm book marking it. I need a good laugh each day thanks for gining us one.
Hahhaaa, that made me think of that plant from Little Shop of Horrors! "Feed Me"!
i thought of a huge old oak tree walking. ahaha
That's hilarious! I can just imagine a bunch of veggies and plants running around.
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